Do you know what it's like to be
in love with
a place and its people?
And I don't mean any mundane,
Ordinary kind of love, but
The kind for which you'd willingly lie down your life
At any given moment
Or perhaps, even more bravely,
Persist in enduring it, despite all the pain.
I mean
the kind of love where you can't bear to be away
Even for a month
And when life makes such demands
Even if only for two weeks,
You spend every moment in
Longing, dream every night
And each day of returning.
Despite all the ways
In which she breaks your heart,
And sometimes your back,
Or even your soul.
And while the world,
Those who've
Never belonged to a place
Who've no idea how to belong
(Only to subdue)
Bay cruelly from all outside corners
Taunt you and mock your pain
You know something that they don't:
You could never be torn from this place
Because you are this place
And she is you.
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