Tuesday, October 10, 2023


How often I've heard

Antisemites claim

That we Jews went like sheep 

To our deaths in the Shoah

But this morning, there's something I 

Can't help but wonder

How many of us actually did acquiesce to our own murders


How many of us saw how dismal the world had become

How many of us—

Through layers of generational trauma, felt

The old familiar hatred 

And hostility that had risen once again

And sensed our hopelessness

In the deafening silence of supposed friends, who were 

Too intellectual to

So much as name the injustice

Without "considering the complexities at hand"

I can't help but wonder 

How many of us went to our deaths

But not like sheep after all

Rather like warriors

Knowing how our deaths 

Would come to stain humanity

Apparently, such stains fade 

In almost no time at all. 

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