Sunday, January 15, 2023


Suicide is a drug, and I 

Am addicted

Each dose fixed slightly less carefully than the last

I watch my own ritual, over

And over

One day I'll drift off into the sweet sleep of overdose

I imagine the elements of my life as detritus—

the granny cart that was Carrie's "from the Queens days", with one wheel now held on by a corrupted bobbypin

My brass flask

(Will it be discovered empty, containing only the vague scent of brandy?)

Will the unopened bottle of Chanel N°5 in the back of the fridge 

Find a new neck to perfume? 

Will the thousands of books that crowd my apartment find their own lonely tomb, or

Will they live again? 

I miss smoking. 

Well, why shouldn't I? What's the use in abstinence now? This crass charade that

If we behave virtuously, we can live forever? No thank you. 

I imagine myself as a memory

Or a cautionary tale—

"Poets almost never end up happily, become a plumber, instead!"

Suicide is a drug, and I am addicted

This taste of sweet freedom the tongue can never forget.

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