Tuesday, April 18, 2023

American Road Trip

Sundress n old docs  

Too dark gas station sunglasses with the

Cracked black plastic frames

Cigarette ash flies back in 

Open window wind 

The past year fades with the FM reception

Push in the tape

Let's shoutsing a new song. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023


While you've been away in your

Cool dark grave,

Summer has returned to 

Our Yorkville street: 

The boisterous birds

Crowd the branches of green Gingko

The women walk past in

Sundresses, or shorts

Even the Brownies writing tickets

Have uncovered their arms. 

I have unearthed my

Canvas camp chair,  

Returned to my second floor perch on the catwalk

Unlike me, the 

City barely notices your absence 

One day, my own will be

Just the same.