Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A watermelon and a minor incident

A minor international incident occurred today in Rami Levy: I'm in the chumos section, when all of a sudden, the siren: red alert! 

A guy and I make eye contact, as I ask, "?יש פה מיקלט" ("is there a shelter nearby?") 

A woman in a hijab abandons her cart and runs; another woman in a mesh top with tattoos does not abandon her cart, but also runs. 

The man with whom I'd made eye contact, calmly walks over to my cart, as I too am considering abandoning it and running– SOMEWHERE, and I figure, he probably knows I'm about to split and he just wants to take my watermelon, (because it's a really perfect watermelon, practically worth taking your chances in a Chizbullah missile attack,) but no: he picks up my backpack, which I'd placed in the cart, opens the top pocket, and pulls out the culprit: my phone.

The red alert was in Majdal Shams.

He smirks, as I melt into the floor tiles.

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